The most recent post within this blog, Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, was number 400 in nearly sixteen years. That's a rough average of twenty-five posts each year. My sixteenth anniversary running this blog will be February 11, 2022.
This blog will probably continue. At the least, I will be adding my pictures, just as I have been doing of late. I used to write more before I went public and attached my name to this blog. I felt less inhibited prior to going public. Although I don't know whether anyone from where I work ever reads this blog, I have been writing less and sharing less of myself.
What free time I have had during the past year has been going toward my own writing. Covid for me has made me more productive as a poet. I feel compelled to write as much as I can.
One of my poems, by the way, has been nominated for both Pushcart and Best of the Net.
This emphasis on poetry will be reflected when I describe the books that I have been reading this year.
I have chosen the picture included with this post because it looks forward.