with a menu of photography, books, jazz, poetry, and other items occasionally

Friday, November 17, 2023

Poem in Slant: A Journal of Poetry

Another recent poem of mine has recently appeared in Slant: A Journal of Poetry. My poem, "Living Within Its Shadow," can be found at the following link: https://slantpoetryjournal.wordpress.com/james-p-cooper/?fbclid=IwAR1OlLMCS84nvzsB2wTXggZn-FhEAtBkv4bB3LWhCC-jN5nRbpyTDX00Kuw

Autumn, 2023

Because of the lengthy drought that we have been having in northeast Kansas, autumn has not been as colorful this year as it had been in previous years. I am adding a few of my pictures, nonetheless.

I might have taken more pictures if I had not fallen while taking pictures one Sunday afternoon. I was walking backwards down a hill, lost my footing, and did a complete flip. I ended up having to go the ER to have a gash on my arm stitched up. My jaw started swelling afterwards as well because I cracked a tooth and ended up having to have it removed. I have since resolved to stay on pavement when I am walking or taking pictures.