1. Reduce military spending.
2. Limit the military’s role outside of the US and stop its peacekeeping role throughout the world.
3. Reduce the number of military bases and lily pads overseas.
4. Reduce the stockpile of nuclear weapons and eliminate weapons using depleted uranium.
5. Stop selling weapons overseas.
6. Move billions of dollars formally spent on the military and its 800 bases overseas to provide free college for every citizen, to upgrade the infrastructure, including high speed rail, and to promote Green energy.
7. Pay off the $1.2 trillion dollars of student loan debt.
8. Limit the term of every senator and every member of the House of Representatives to 8 years and prohibit those former senators and representatives from seeking election in the future. Once one has served eight years, one has no other chance of ever serving again.
9. Provide an equitable tax system for every citizen, business, and corporation. Businesses and corporations are taxed, in part, according to how much damage they inflict on the nation’s water, soil, and air and how much they use the nation’s infrastructure—roads, bridges, etc. Corporations that primarily import their products are taxed as if their products were made in this country.
10. Provide free health care to every citizen.
11. Make abortion legal in every state. Provide free contraceptives.
12. Ensure that women’s wages are comparable to what men make in similar positions, aka equal pay for equal work.
13. Provide a basic universal income to every citizen over the age of 21.
14. Raise the minimum wage to $15.
15. Reduce the amount of dollars spent on foreign aid except when responding to natural disasters or shortages of food.
16. Eliminate the Electoral College. Let the popular vote decide who becomes president.
17. Reverse Citizens United so as to reduce corporate control of the election process.
18. Enact and enforce limited gun control.
19. Give the EPA more control over protecting the environment.
20. Rejoin the Paris Accord and make environmental protection a major concern of government.
21. Reduce corporate control of the FDA. Exhibit greater control over artificial food dyes, phthalates, formaldehyde, and bisphenol-A, for example.
22. Reverse the appointees, legislation, and executive orders made by Trump, and the GOP, since January, 2017.